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Privacy Policy 

On this site, we treat the privacy of the site users with the utmost respect. The purpose of the following conditions is to clarify to the user the privacy policy used on the site, including a description of how the site operators use information, its collection and uses.

Changes to the privacy policy

The operators of the website are entitled to edit and change the privacy policy on the website from time to time. When a substantial and fundamental change is made to the conditions concerning the use of personal information provided by the surfers, a notice will be published on the home page of the site.

Use of information

The website system keeps some of the information in its databases and uses them subject to the terms of the privacy policy or according to the provisions of any law. This is for these and other purposes:

For the user's use of unique services such as responses to articles, forums, games, promotions and various activities offered on the site.

For the purpose of improving, operating and developing the website, including for the purpose of analyzing viewing and surfing habits that will allow the website operators to improve the plans and structure of the website for the convenience and usability of the surfer, and in order to offer him offers, information and services customized to his needs and preferences or adapted to interest groups that use the website. For the most part, the analysis of the information is statistical and does not identify the surfer personally.

For the purpose of publishing information, purchasing and selling services and products on the site, including publishing ads in areas dedicated to this purpose.

For the purpose of personalizing advertisements that will be presented to the surfer while browsing the site, adapted to the surfer's specific interests. This information, including details that you actively leave on the site, can and will be collected by the site's enterprises or by the site's advertisers in various ways

For the purpose of contacting the surfer personally for the purpose of publication or in cases of need or as required by any law or in the event that any of the provisions of the website usage agreement or the privacy policy or any other condition specified on the website regarding the information or service you used or in the event of a dispute with the surfer is violated.

For the purpose of collecting general or individual information or analyzing and providing statistical information to third parties, including advertisers, but in a way that does not identify the surfer personally.

For other purposes that will be detailed in this privacy policy or in other terms of use on the website that will be updated from time to time.

The site system undertakes to use the information collected about the surfers in accordance with and subject to the limitations of any law.


A cookie is a small file that requests permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file analyzes your web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular website. Cookies allow web applications to treat you as a unique user, or individual. A web application can adjust its activity according to your preferences, and activates the collection of information in order to remember your preferences.

This site uses website statistics software, which identifies which pages are being used. Also, this site uses the service of activating cookies to serve advertisements and special marketing offers. The use of cookies helps us analyze data about Internet traffic and improve our website in order to adapt it to the needs of the customer. We use this information only for the purposes of statistical analysis and marketing segmentation, and the statistics of the site or advertising campaigns never identify you personally as a person or as a user.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by allowing us to track the pages you find useful, and to offer you offers that are relevant to you. The cookie file under no circumstances gives us access to your computer or any information about you, apart from the data you choose to share with us actively - such as by filling out a contact form on the website.

You can choose whether to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser setting to refuse cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from enjoying the full benefits of the website. You can also use information pages to remove unwanted ads.

What we collect

We may collect the following information:

First name and Last name

Contact details including email address

Information on orders and purchases

Statistical information about browsing patterns on the website

Information related to customer service and sales (inquiries, requests, offers, complaints and inquiries)

What we do with the information we collect

We collect this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, mainly for the following reasons:

Saving data for future inquiries.

Update on monthly or periodic promotions on the website and in the chain stores

Maintaining past transaction data for deliveries, charges, warranties, discounts, promotions, etc.

To improve our products and services

To send promotional emails about new products, special offers or any other information we think you may find interesting using the email address you have provided

To contact you for customer service and/or market research purposes. We may contact you by fax, Israel Post, telephone or e-mail

To offer you customized products and services, and possibly customize the site according to your needs and desires


Data Security

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access to personal data, we follow current physical, financial, electronic and administrative procedures to protect and secure the information we collect online.

Advertisements on the site

The website system operates an independent array of advertisements and content. In addition, the system allows and may allow other third parties to manage and operate the set of advertisements on the site or sets of content and services. In this framework, the surfer may view service offers, content, information or advertisements of the website or of any third parties - information or ads originating from external advertisers who collect information about the surfer, including by planting cookies on the surfer's computer. This is partly for the purpose of analyzing information, adjusting advertisements and analyzing the surfer's needs. This use is made in accordance with the privacy policy and terms of use of these sites and does not concern the privacy policy of the knowledge site. If the surfer wishes to prevent this kind of activity, he must act individually in order to prevent the collection of such information by hand

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